Make, justify, and apply formal geometric constructions.
• Examples of constructions include but are not limited to:
o Copy segments and angles.
o Bisect segments and angles.
o Construct perpendicular lines including through a point on
or off a given line.
o Construct a line parallel to a given line through a point
not on the line.
o Construct a triangle with given lengths.
o Construct points of concurrency of a triangle (centroid,
circumcenter, incenter, and orthocenter).
o Construct the inscribed circle of a triangle.
o Construct the circumscribed circle of a triangle.
o Constructions of transformations. (see G.CO.A.5)
• This standard is a fluency recommendation. Fluency with
the use of construction tools, physical and computational, helps students
draft a model of a geometric phenomenon and can lead to conjectures and
proofs. |